Sunday, April 16, 2006

Those who live by the sword...

So a Falklands veteran has been out for a drink with some pals and is going home.

He turns into his street and is accosted by a gang of youths looking for a rumble.

After a bit of pushing and shoving, this guy, who is no shrinking violet but doesn’t go looking for trouble, gets to his front door, shuts it behind him and switches on the tv, shaking his head and muttering something like, “Kids today, who’d have them?”

He’s just poured himself a beer and getting settled when he hears the shouting and the stones start hitting the window.

He loses it; he’s not having it.

He picks up a screw driver and goes out to confront the little darlings.

“Bring something bigger,” sneers the big guy with the baseball cap and the can of white lightening.

“OK,” says our ex-soldier friend.

He goes back indoors and reappears some moments later with this bloody great samurai sword, given to him by his father, also a one time military man.

The yobbos scarper.

Our hero decides to call the police. Just to let them know that there’s a bunch of trouble makers about who might end up giving somebody else a hard time.

The police come round, he tells them that he chased the youths away with a sword and they arrest him for threatening behaviour.

He’s given six months conditional discharge and ordered to pay £300 court costs.

What else can I say?


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